Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Where is that #&@$ Cemetery & Church!"

A few years ago, I started a Panoramio account with the hopes of sharing photos of local landmarks of historic importance. For those not familiar with Panoramio, it is a website that allows you to upload photos and plot them into Google Map and Google Earth. If you have ever used either Maps or Earth, you may have noticed photos that people have uploaded and are plotted to a specific location. This is all done via Panoramio.

Well, my good intentions lasted for a few months back in 2009 however recently I have rejuvenated my effort. My hopes are that researchers looking for a particular church or cemetery on Google Maps/Earth will find one of my uploaded photos helpful. For my own experience, I have spent hours roaming back roads in search of an old cemetery with little data offered from the internet. So, over this summer I intend to upload and plot as many photos of cemeteries, churches and landmarks as possible.

You can check out my Panoramio account by visiting

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