I am not sure how many fathers would be delight to receive a book on cemeteries for Father’s Day but I certainly was! The latest book to my collection is “Old Canadian Cemeteries: Places of Memory” by James Irwin with photographs by John DeVisser (2007, Firefly Books. ISBN: 978-1-55407-146-3). This book is almost to big to be a reference book and plays more like a coffee table/picture book. However, don’t be fool. Mr. Irwin does a great job offering readers on the world of cemeteries. From burial methods to the various ages of headstones and headstone design. After reading this book, I discovered many items that I was unaware of. Thank you Mr. Irwin for delivery a very interesting book to us of "taphophilia" but a special thanks to my son and wonderful wife for the gift!
Old Canadian Cemeteries: Places of Memory”
Irwin & DeVisser; 2007, Firefly Books. ISBN: 978-1-55407-146-3